What should you do if you are unable to log into your MTS personal account? Password recovery. MTS personal account

It often happens that SMS messages with a confirmation code that are requested when registering or performing any online transactions do not arrive. Usually after this you can request the code again. It also happens that even after several requests the code does not arrive. You need to know what to do in such situations, because without a code, further registration or other operations are simply not possible.

The confirmation code does not arrive via SMS for several reasons

Why am I not receiving a confirmation code?

First you need to figure out why this happens in order to understand how to get rid of this problem. If you do not receive an SMS with a confirmation code on your phone, there may be several reasons:

  • Airplane mode is on. It’s a very common mistake, but many people don’t even notice that this mode is enabled on their phone. It can block the possibility of SMS;
  • SMS is considered spam. There are programs for your phone that block SMS messages that look like spam. If such a program is installed, you need to disable it and request the code again;
  • problems with the site. Of course, there may be technical problems. In this case, it is worth writing in tech. support the site and ask for help;
  • The telephone number is incorrect. It is worth checking whether the number indicated is real or whether a mistake was made. In this case, the SMS is sent to another number;
  • errors with the phone. Try sending SMS to your number via another number. If the message does not arrive, then there is a problem with the device;
  • the site does not support this function. Of course, this does not apply to the registration case.

Some scam sites do not send a password recovery code. This usually happens on sites where you can make money.

A person earns money, logs out of his profile, enters a password and sees a message that it is impossible to log into the account and needs to recover the password via SMS, but the message is not sent. Thus, a person loses access to his account, and the funds simply remain with the scammers. This happens rarely, but there is still a small chance.

Why is the code not being sent to my email?

We figured out why the confirmation code does not arrive on the phone, but sometimes it is sent to an email and not a phone. Sometimes such messages are not delivered. Causes:

  1. The email with the code ends up in the spam folder. Again a trivial mistake, but it's worth checking your spam folder. Often such messages are sent to this folder;
  2. There may be problems on the site. Wait a little and try to request the activation code again;
  3. Filters may be installed that automatically delete messages. Just in case, it’s worth checking your incoming messages settings;
  4. some mailboxes provide a limited amount of space, on average 2000 MB for letters. If the limit is reached, no new letters will be sent;
  5. check if the email is correct;
  6. if you are using a temporary email, this may be the problem. Many projects do not send letters to such emails, so for registration you should use only proven services such as Yandex or Mail.

If you do not receive an SMS with a confirmation code, you need to find the reason and solve the problem

What to do if you don’t receive an SMS with a code

The reasons are clear. It's time to figure out what to do if you don't receive a confirmation SMS or email:

  1. You need to clear your message history. This applies to both email and SMS. Just delete a few messages and request the code. If the problem is lack of space, after deleting several emails, the message will immediately arrive.
  2. Wait a few days and try requesting the code again. If there were problems on the site and they have been fixed, an SMS will be sent.
  3. Contact tech. site support and ask for help with registration. There may be some regional restrictions. If there are none, support will definitely solve the problem with registration.
  4. Read reviews online. If this is a scam site, then there will definitely be negative reviews. Maybe you're not the only one who doesn't receive the code.
  5. Check your Spam folder and move the email with the code to your inbox to prevent similar emails from going to spam in the future.
  6. Turn off airplane mode and other features that may block SMS.
  7. Uninstall antispam programs that may cause such messages to be deleted.
  8. Check your incoming message filters and uncheck auto spam removal. After all, there is a high probability that the letter may end up in the spam folder, and if the auto-delete spam box is checked, it will be deleted without the possibility of return.
  9. If you are convinced that the site is a scam and support does not help, just forget your account– it can no longer be restored.

Getting rid of this problem is easy and doesn't take too much time, so don't panic and use the above tips.

An MTS subscriber may need to change the list of services, change tariff plan, get a call printout, block a number, etc. It turns out to be extremely inconvenient to contact the operator’s salon for every reason. After all, not everyone can afford to spend a lot of time, nerves and effort to get to the salon cellular communications, sit in line, brief the specialist, wait until he connects some services and disconnects others, and only then go about your business.

It is much more convenient to do all this yourself and without unnecessary movements. For this purpose, the telecom operator organized the “Personal Account” service. You can get into it from the website www.mts.ru. In the upper right corner home page you need to click the red “Login” button and select the desired option in the drop-down menu – “ mobile connection", "Home Internet and TV", "Satellite TV", "Internet banking", "Settings".

Login to your personal account without a password

When you select “Mobile Communications” or “Settings”, the system will ask you to enter a number mobile phone, to whose information access is required.

Next, you can enter a permanent password in the “Password” field. If it is not there, you need to figure out how to get the password to your MTS personal account. You should click on the link “Receive password via SMS” and enter in the appropriate field phone number. A message with text will be sent to it. That's what it is New Password. It must be entered in the appropriate field. Next, a captcha (a picture with symbols) will be displayed, the characters from which must also be entered into the appropriate window.

Go to Personal Area « Home Internet and TV" or "Satellite TV" can be done in a similar way. The login is the contract number.

If you lose your permanent password, you can receive it via mobile phone or email, your choice.

If you haven't received a message with your password on your phone, don't panic. Perhaps it was delayed somewhere and will appear later. It’s also not worth clicking on the link several times - the messages can arrive all at once, and which one correct password– it will be impossible to understand. You need to enter the text carefully, taking into account lowercase and uppercase letters, as in SMS.

For Internet banking, you will not be able to obtain a temporary password through the website - you will have to call the operator.

What to do if you haven’t received your password

If you haven’t received an SMS on your phone for 30 minutes or more, you can take the next step - send a free message of the following type to number 111: 25 “space” “your password”. Example message: "25 Hello123". Your new password must contain at least one number and one capital letter.

In response, you will receive an SMS with a one-time password, which will be reset after you log into your personal account with it. Next, you will receive another message on your phone stating that “your password” (in our example, Privet123) will be assigned as a permanent one. If you receive another message, like “password change error,” then you will have to call the operator and solve the problem with his help.

To enter your personal account “Home Internet and TV” or “Satellite TV” if you do not have an SMS with a password, you should use an alternative - request that it be sent by email.

If there is no password on e-mail, and even in the spam folder, then you will have to call the operator.

Over the past decade, mobile communications have become a constant companion of a person and have made his life easier. The question of how to find out the password for your MTS personal account sooner or later arises for every user. Before you find out the password to your MTS personal account, you must use the help of a consultant or act according to the attached instructions. The task is solved in several ways at once, and each one must be studied carefully. This is the only way to avoid problems with a mobile operator in the future and have round-the-clock access to management mobile services.

So, the first thing you need to do is go to the official website mobile operator and go to the "Personal Account" tab. Two lines appear on the screen, where the first one requires you to indicate your mobile number, according to the generally accepted international standard. The second line is intended for entering a password, which the subscriber must remember by heart. This is ideal, since in reality, secret information simply falls out of memory, and it is very difficult to remember what is to be entered on the monitor screen. The situation is unpleasant, but it can be solved. To do this, go to the "Receive password via SMS" tab. It is necessary to enter the proposed combination of numbers, proving that this is a person and not a robot. Afterwards, a message will be sent to your mobile phone containing a set of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet. They must be entered on the screen, and then click the “Login” button. Having completed all these steps, access to personal data and service management will be granted.

If you look at the same page where the system requests the subscriber’s password, it is indicated below that you can log in through one of the social networks from the list proposed in the graphical design. However, in this case, the mobile phone number must be assigned to a personal account in social network. Otherwise, access to your personal account will continue to be unavailable. Advice to the subscriber: it is better to play it safe in advance and protect yourself from forgetfulness by attaching your MTS number to your page on your favorite social network. Moreover, if you have access to your personal account, this will not be so difficult. If you urgently need to log into your MTS personal account, a competent operator will tell you how to find out the password. This is another real way to quickly gain access to mobile service management.

If a subscriber has forgotten the password to his MTS personal account, you can send a message to toll free number 111. The content should be as follows: 25 and a new password, which will become active after sending the SMS. Actions will follow immediately, and the person will be able to easily enter their personal account using a new password and manage mobile services at their discretion. Nothing complicated, and the process itself takes only a few minutes of free time. In the future, it is not recommended to forget the updated combination of numbers, but rather write it down as a note. In this case, there should be no more problems with logging in. If, after receiving a new password, you still cannot log into your personal account, it is recommended to wait a while and try again. The problem that arises will be automatically resolved, and access to the data will be obtained.

If all the manipulations done do not help you gain access to the MTS user’s personal account, it is recommended to use technical support. To do this, you need to dial the toll-free number 0890 and wait for a call from the operator. After this, explain the problem and ask for it to be fixed urgently. It is possible that you will have to appear at the service center, confirm your identity and ownership of your mobile operator number. It’s unpleasant, but it’s better to find the time and carry out such an “operation” so that similar login problems do not arise in the future.

It is very important not to trust dubious sites that offer to provide an access password to your MTS personal account for an additional fee. Such actions are clearly illegal, and the subscriber, due to his naivety, can become a victim of scammers and suffer financially. If access to your MTS personal account is limited, and the user urgently needs to activate or deactivate the mobile communication service, you need to call technical support and contact the operator. By providing certain information about the subscriber, he will solve the problem as soon as possible. However, it is still better to recover the password to your personal account.

    How to use your Personal Account

    First you need to gain access, for this:

    1. Go to the My MTS Personal Account section.
    2. Click on the link “Receive password via SMS”.
    3. Enter the phone number for which you want to receive the password.
    4. On specified number an SMS with a password will be sent from number 3339. After authorization, you can change your password to another one that is convenient for you.
    5. Enter your password on the My MTS Personal Account page.
  • If you have forgotten your password or entered it incorrectly

    If you forgot, just receive a new one via SMS. In your My MTS Personal Account, you can change your password in the Settings section. If you enter the password incorrectly 3 times in a row, access to your Personal Account will be blocked. To unlock, you will need to receive a new password via SMS.

    Attention! When you go to the My MTS Personal Account from any device that allows you to access the Internet through the MTS network (phone, smartphone, tablet, iPad with an MTS SIM card or PC with an MTS-Connect modem, phone or iPad working as a modem, etc. .p.), you are automatically identified by phone number and immediately taken to your My MTS Personal Account.

    How to manage multiple numbers

    To add numbers of other MTS subscribers, friends, relatives, loved ones to your Personal Account, go to the “Settings” section to the “My Numbers” tab. In the “Linked numbers” block, click the “Add number” button and complete all the necessary operations. Please note, in order to link the number of another subscriber, you will need this subscriber’s password to his Personal Account “My MTS”.

    What is the price

    Using the My MTS Personal Account is free, you only pay the cost of traffic when accessing the Internet (including in roaming). Connecting and disconnecting services, as well as changing tariffs, are paid in accordance with your current tariff.

    Using your Personal Account with a zero or negative balance

    MTS subscribers can use their Personal Account with any balance. Only paid transactions that require a positive account balance are not available. For example, connecting services or changing the tariff.

  • Security and privacy

    • Before entering your My MTS Personal Account, carefully read System Use Agreement
    • All actions in the My MTS Personal Account are documented using certified equipment.
    • Any actions performed under your password in the My MTS Personal Account are considered your actions.
    • The inactivity time in one session of working with the My MTS Personal Account is 20 minutes. To continue your work session, re-enter your phone number and password.
    • When exiting your My MTS Personal Account, use the “Exit” link. This will allow you to complete the job safely.

Go to the operator’s website and click on the “My MTS” menu, then in context menu select the required option “Mobile communications”, “Home Internet and TV”, “Internet banking”.

If we need to select “Mobile communications”, enter the phone number of whose personal account you need to get access to, then if you already have a permanent password, then enter it and use it, but if you prefer temporary passwords (this is much more secure), then the algorithm changes slightly.

Click on “Receive password via SMS”. Enter the phone number and then the characters from the picture, please note that the character input field is case sensitive. We wait for the message to arrive and enter the received one-time code. It is important to know that if you don’t receive an SMS with a password, you shouldn’t spam and click on “send password” several times, this will lead to the messages coming in waves and you won’t know which one is correct. Be patient and consider case, large and small characters when entering your password.

If you have waited more than half an hour and the treasured password has not arrived, you can use an alternative way to obtain the password. To do this, you must send an SMS message to number 111 (the message is free) with the text 25 “space” “your personal account password.”

The password you enter must contain at least one capital letter, one capital letter and one number. Please note that by sending this SMS, the “your personal account password” parameter will become your password for subsequent authorizations. You will receive a reply SMS one-time password, after logging in it will become invalid, and the password you sent will become permanent.

Example: "25 November348". From now on, “November348” will be the password. Wait for a confirmation message indicating that the password has been accepted. If the response is “password change error,” call the operator.

If you want to access your personal account “Home Internet and TV”, then click on the corresponding menu. Instead of a phone number, enter your username and password; the option with a temporary password is not available. To access the Internet banking account, the process is completely identical.

As a postscript to this section, it is worth noting that if you are using a 3\4G MTS modem, then you can log into your personal account without a password. By going to the operator’s website, you will immediately be automatically logged in; if you need to enter the account of another SIM card, then simply exit the modem’s personal account.

Mobile applications for the Office

For convenience, you can download the official mobile app“My MTS”, the main advantage of this option is accessibility, because the traffic that uses this application, there is no charge, in other words, you can manage your number anywhere and any time absolutely free. Data entry is carried out once, then autologin will occur.

Setting up a Personal Account password

Once you have logged into your personal account, you are free to change your password to any other one. To do this, select the “Settings” item at the top of the page, and on the page that opens, select the “Change password” menu. We enter the old cipher, and then the new one in duplicate.

To ensure your password is accepted, wait a couple of hours. Usually this process takes no more than 5 minutes, but during peak loads it can take a little longer.

Possible problems with authorization

A good cipher contains all the spellings of letters, uppercase and lowercase. Also numbers and signs, such as “!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*”, etc. It is not recommended to use dates of birth, first names, last names or other easily guessed things as a password.

Connection security

When you are on the login page to your personal account, pay attention to address bar, to the left of the site address it should say “Reliable” and start with https, not http. Scam sites usually do not have a reliable connection. But it is worth noting that the main MTS website has http and does not have a secure connection.

Also, before logging into your personal account, make sure that you are not on your computer. various types viruses and always check the address you are visiting.

When ordering a password change, check the number from which messages are received. The numbers must be short, usually 3339, if the number is mobile, then these are scammers. Often, having gained access to your account through a virus on your PC, criminals simply redirect you from the operator’s website to their twin website. Thus, you simply will not be able to change your password and access account information. This will give the scammers enough time to steal funds from your balance.