What to do when the LG touchscreen does not work? The best service conditions are only in our service.

LG phones are quite common in Russian market. They differ good quality, reliability, attractive design. But this brand of phone, like any other, may periodically require repair.

Ditell cell phone and laptop repair workshop - only original spare parts used in repairs, quick repairs from 15 minutes to 2 days (depending on the complexity of the repair), free diagnostics(even if you don’t repair your phone with us).

Main appeals to phone repair, in our workshop this is of course associated with a broken screen (display, touchscreen) as a result of improper handling of the phones (the phone was dropped, pinched, used as a hammer), the screen breaks and needs replacement, and the charging connectors in the phones suffer (since they are used due to day after day) also music lovers suffer from headset jacks, jacks and displays are always in stock (for most models)

Also, problems with the phone can arise due to the cables, the cable breaks on impact, or simply when the phone is constantly thrown, also in many phones there is a flip from the lie, also the problem of the cable is responsible for the operation of the display, the cable is much cheaper and repairs will therefore not be expensive.

LG Screen Replacement:

Replacing an LG screen is a common reason for contacting our service center, since screens break and break when dropped, and even if the screen works as before, it is very difficult to use a phone with cracks, especially when the fragments get stuck in your fingers. The main reasons for replacing the screen:

1. A crack has appeared on the screen;

2. The screen does not show or flickers.

Replacing LG connector:

The connector on LZ phones is changing entirely with a cable, or the bottom board with a connector, or the connector is changed separately, it all depends on the model. The main reasons for replacing the connector:

1. The phone is not charging;

2. It charges only when you hold the cable at an angle;

3. The teeth of the connector are broken.

Replacing Lg battery:

Batteries on LG phones need to be changed every 2-3 years, this is due to its gradual degradation, each battery has its own cycle, how many times it can be charged, the phone documents usually indicate the lower limit of cycles (there is a little reserve).

You purchased a beautiful LG phone with touch screen? It is quite easy to operate. But one day you press the touchscreen and it doesn't respond or doesn't work in any place? This problem Don't put it off for long. Here it is necessary to quickly determine the cause of the breakdown in order to restore the operation of the device as quickly as possible. According to statistics, the sooner a user seeks help, the cheaper the repair costs.

Why doesn't the touchscreen work on LG?

The LG touchscreen does not work for the following reasons:

1. First, take a good look at yourself touch glass. Are there any cracks on it? Even if you notice any, even the smallest, reason may be there;

2. The touchscreen on the LG phone is glitchy, when the control chip fails. As a rule, this happens as a result of a strong blow or fall. If it is faulty, it will need to be replaced with a new one;

3. Both the touchscreen itself and various components fail due to mechanical shocks or moisture. printed circuit board. In this case, it is better to make a diagnosis. At our service center LG phone touchscreen repair - This is not a difficult task for masters.

Happens when part of the LG touchscreen does not work, this means that sensitivity has disappeared in a certain area. Most likely you will need LG touchscreen replacement.

What to do, conclusion:

In 90% of cases, when LG sensor does not work, this means that the touchscreen itself has failed. Then it is required LG sensor replacement, which in most cases fails due to strong pressure or blows. In 10% of cases there are other problems. It is necessary to make a diagnosis.

Phones fall quite often, resulting in LG glass is broken and cracked. Probably every mobile user has encountered this problem. Our specialists will help you solve this problem. Replace or change LG glass in our service center they can quickly and efficiently. We have a large warehouse of spare parts, you can purchase any part. But it must be remembered that independent intervention is not always successful. LG glass replacement- this is a delicate work that requires experience from the user.

Example from life:

The young man put the phone on charge overnight, took it in the morning to make a call and discovered that the mobile did not respond to any movement. He took it to our service center, the technicians did diagnostics and determined that the touchscreen control microcircuit was out of order. We replaced it with a new one, did quality control and issued a guarantee for the entire device.

Choose our service center!

- Our diagnostics are completely free. In most cases, we carry it out in the presence of the client using professional equipment.

We issue a full guarantee for the entire device for any repair, and not just for the replaced spare part.

After repair, the device is subjected to free control quality.

We have discounts on repairs.

Spare parts are only original. We are suppliers of spare parts throughout Russia. That's why our repair prices are cheaper.

After the first repair, you will be given a VIP client card for a 10% - 40% discount.

Promotion until the end of the month with any repair, ultrasonic cleaning is free.

The best service conditions are only in our service!

The phone fell, the case cracked, cracks appeared on the touchscreen - come to the service center for professional repair service. We will update the broken glass of the LG X cam screen and carry out software debugging inexpensively.

If the part is in stock, LG glass (screen) replacement will be carried out as an urgent repair and will be completed within one day. Other components are broken, information urgently needs to be restored, the module does not work wireless network– contact service engineers for help.

Employees report the cost of replacing screen glass and other types of debugging after preliminary diagnostics. It allows you to assess the damage received, find out what else needs to be updated for stable operation smartphone false

Replacing LG X cam glass

Dual rear camera, Ram 2Gb and 16Gb of memory, 5.2" screen - the K580DS model quickly attracted popularity. At the same time, requests to change the touch glass, calibrate the touchscreen that does not respond to touches or has dead zones have increased.

We will replace the LG X cam glass using special equipment, we will also dismantle the faulty element and supply the original spare part: we will update the hoarse speaker, charging port, and the back cover of the case. The cost of replacing glass differs from the cost of changing a display and, as a rule, is much lower.

LG X cam screen replacement

The procedure algorithm goes through several stages. Using diagnostics, we find faults, formulate a work plan and debugging price. We inform the client how much the repair costs. Only after approval is the LG X cam screen replaced, followed by post-repair testing.

Entrust the Elgie screen repair to our service technicians and see the quality of the services by your own example.

Benefits of treatment

Replacement work is carried out using specialized equipment and is performed by experienced engineers. Service center is responsible for quality: an official guarantee is given for the repair of LG phones, which reaches a period of up to 36 months. To do this, before issuing, the device goes to the quality department staff, who test the result.

We accept requests through the website around the clock, we restore devices without weekends or holidays. We not only fix gadgets, but also carry out branded repairs of LG equipment in more than 20 cities of Russia, where we also provide a guarantee for replacement and other types of services.

When buying a smartphone like this, you obviously don’t expect it to break down quickly, much less broken screen. However, unpleasant moments happen in life, and they do not bypass the LG G2 device. Looking at 5.2 inch screen, you begin to understand how easily it can be damaged, especially if you use it with one hand and accidentally drop it. The result of all this could be the situation shown in the photo below.

Nothing good. The entire screen is covered with a “web”, while the touch can remain in working condition. Naturally, there will be no marketable appearance, no desire to carry such a smartphone with you. The only solution is to replace the problematic part.

The most important step will be the search for original or analog spare parts. You should immediately be prepared for “astronomical” prices for assembling the screen and touchscreen. But, there is no other option, and you will still take such expensive parts.

The replacement process is in many ways similar to how it is done on smartphones of other models and brands. You'll have to start by disassembling the phone.

Retrieved back cover battery compartment using a plastic mounting spatula. It is not recommended to dismantle elements with sharp objects due to the likelihood of damage to plastic and decorative parts. Next is removed accumulator battery.

After this, access is provided to the cables, which are carefully detached from their attachment points. The corresponding connectors are located: at the bottom - connection to the display, and at the top - connection to the sensor.

It is highly advisable to do preheating, which will allow you to more safely lift the connector board micro USB, followed by releasing the display cable. Here it is better to use a hair dryer.

The next action should be to peel off the touch element, which is also accompanied by local heating around the perimeter of the phone. Additionally, it is necessary to use a plastic insert, for example bank card, with its gradual movement along the panel. If the glass is badly broken, act carefully so as not to receive additional damage and to prevent fragments from falling on the board.

After removing the broken assembly, you have access to the metal base, the frame, to which you will need to glue a new element.

Now you can move on to the new assembly, namely LCD + touchscreen. Before connecting it, you do not need to remove the warranty seals and protective films, since defective parts are often found. The screen cable is passed through the mounting slot in the front panel and fixed to the connector on the reverse side.

All necessary screws are tightened so that the operation of the device can be checked, otherwise there is a possibility of additional loss of time for re-disassembly in case of any problems. The battery is inserted and the smartphone is turned on. If everything works and the sensor responds correctly to commands, you can proceed with the final installation of the touchscreen.

The assembly is dismantled again, after which the shipping sticker and warranty film are removed. The new panel is attached with glue or double-sided tape to the metal frame. In the second case, an element of the required size is cut out independently. The cables are fixed again and final work is done.

If everything is done correctly, the LG G2 will return to working condition. If there are doubts or the necessary tools and parts are missing, it is best to entrust repair work to a specialized workshop or service center.